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Historic, references, key people

Monday 4 September 2023 , by (Rene Clement)

MEDIMARK® EUROPE has been created early 1995 by René Clement in order to fulfil the need for non- European Manufacturers of Medical Devices to designate an official European Authorized Representative such as requested by the MD Directive and reinforced by the IVD Directive.

The focus on this activity has allowed MediMark® Europe with the help of Competent Authorities, to build tools and procedures which are recognized as the gold standard for product notification, incident reporting and recall organization.

MediMark® Europe is the first European Authorized Representative to be ISO 9001 certified for this specific activity. It allows Manufacturers to prove to their Notified Body that their European Vigilance System is also under a Certified Quality System.

Your main contacts at MediMark Europe are:

René CLEMENT, CEO / President, with his background in Clinical Affairs, Epidemiology and Business management. He takes care of General Management, Regulatory compliance and Vigilance


Daria GUTIERREZ, PhD, Scientific Manager is in permanent contact with EEA Competent Authorities for the FSCA and Manufacturer Incident Reportings. She assists our customers for IVDR and MDR Medical/Technical Requirements.

Reference list from Customers :
Since 1995, responses from Customers show full satisfaction and we are proud to continue to serve well known Companies, even after they have been bought by large groups. They recognize that MediMark Europe offers much more than an "European address". A reference list is supplied on request.